New job packages or our tried and true single job post
While our site has been refreshed, our pricing remains competitive within the water industry. From our traditional $200 job post to new discounted job packages, you can conveniently purchase job post credits with a credit card to save and use from your account.
- Receive 1 credit to post a new single job
- Job will be live for 30 days
- See how many views the job receives
- Ability to upgrade to Featured when posting*
- Ability to renew the job post*
- Receive 3 credits to post up to three new jobs
- One credit posts a job for 30 days
- See how many views each job receives
- Ability to upgrade to Featured when posting*
- Ability to renew a job post*
- Receive 5 credits to post up to five new jobs
- One credit posts a job for 30 days
- See how many views each job receives
- Ability to upgrade to Featured when posting*
- Ability to renew a job post*
*For an additional fee
Consider increasing visibility by featuring your job
Feature your job and receive greater exposure across our BC Water Jobs and BC Water News websites for an additional $99. You can Feature any job you draft before submitting for approval to take advantage of the full 30 day benefits. If you prefer to create a standard job post, you can easily upgrade it to featured anytime you like from your personal Dashboard, but it will only be featured within the original 30 day posting window.

Featured jobs receive greater exposure within the BC Water Jobs and BC Water News websites, including:
- Featured in BC Water News Email to 15,000+ subscribers
- Featured on the BC Water News Homepage
- Featured on all BC Water News Subscriber Dashboards
- Featured on the BC Water Jobs Homepage
- Featured in the weekly digest emailed to all registered BC Water Jobs Seekers
- Priority visibility in Featured job ribbon across BC Water Jobs
Easy and Effective
Job posts automatically expire after 30 days, but can be quickly renewed from your Recruiting dashboard. Standard job posts can be renewed for an additional 30 days for $99 each and Featured job posts for $149 each.